Carpal Tunnel and Peripheral Nerves

Carpal Tunnel and Peripheral Nerves
Peripheral nerves originate from the spinal cord and end in many parts of the body. Different diseases originate from these nerves. Among these diseases, injuries and tumors can be mentioned. Another large group of peripheral nerve diseases are those that lead to narrowing of the channels in which the peripheral nerves are on their way from the spinal cord to the hands and feet. These natural channels, which are formed by combining muscles, bones and ligaments, include these nerves. The narrowness of these channels causes pressure on the nerve inside it, which leads to different diseases, depending on the nerve inside it.

The most common of them is compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel, which is called carpal tunnel syndrome. Cramping of the ulnar nerve in the elbow leads to carpal tunnel syndrome, and cramping of the same nerve in the wrist leads to Guyon's syndrome. Cramping of other nerves in different parts of the body and hands and feet cause other syndromes. In the following, you can see additional explanations of this group of diseases.